• ┗ Last update 12 10-12


Tatsuo Tajima
Born in 1955 in Tokyo, Japan, I worked as film and graphic designer and contributed large-scale image displays mainly featuring films for such events as Tsukuba Expo '85, Nara Silk Road Expo '87, and Design Expo Nagoya '89 as well as for museums such as Edo-Tokyo Museum. From '93 onwards, with the general shift to digital media, I have focused on multimedia titles and graphics as a graphic designer. I have received numerous awards from such competitions as Opel Design Contests, Epson Imaging Contests, and Victor Video Festivals. From 2005 onwards, I have committed myself to pipe crafting under the guidance of the artists Mr. Shizuo Arita and Mr. Shigeyoshi Yanagihara. In 2009, I have made my debut as an artist at Amanoya in Setagaya, Tokyo, the very point of departure for my second career.